New to ownership? Check out our online guide to buying the right insurance policy.
Top Tips
Ask the Park about its recommended insurance provider
Get several quotes on a like-for-like basis
Make sure you know what’s included in your cover
Check park is carrying out obligated duties
When purchasing a static caravan holiday home you will need to consider arranging appropriate insurance cover. Most parks will insist you have cover before you take ownership of your holiday home.
To help new buyers through this process we have teamed up with static caravan insurance specialist, Leisuredays to produce a three-part buying guide to help find the right cover for you.
Park recommended policies
Many parks will have pre-existing agreements with insurance companies for their owners to consider. These arrangements can offer competitive prices and provide a convenient service to you. Generally the insurance provider in the circumstance of a claim has a good understanding of the park and the way it operates, which may help when making a claim.
Get multiple quotes
If comparing insurance quotes, make sure you are clear on the cover that is provided by the insurance company, to ensure you are comparing on a like-for-like basis. If you are unsure of what each policy entails then do not be scared to pick up the phone and ask the insurer directly any questions you may have.
What's included in your cover?
While price is always important, it is also vital to get the cover you need. Please understand that the examples given below are all worst-case scenarios, but you may want to consider the immediate and long-term benefits they offer. Like most insurance, static caravan cover is a safeguard in case you are affected by circumstances outside of your control.
Acts of God
With all the recent severe weather, flash flooding and unseasonal behaviour of Mother Nature, Acts of God seem particularly relevant to discuss.
Although made to similar specification, a static caravan is not as solid as a house made from brick and mortar, and they are often more exposed to extreme weather conditions such as wind and heavy rain.
Dependent on location, flash flooding is a possibility, so make sure you have protection in place. If your pitch is next to trees, consider what could happen in the worst-case scenario. Strong winds can easily cause a tree to fall, and if it lands on your caravan there is a good chance it will be written off. Again, strong winds could cause damage to the roof or the structure of the caravan.
Luckily, most reputable insurance companies will provide “all risk” cover, as they will understand the fragility of static caravans and the exposure they receive to the elements. Though if your park is susceptible to flooding, not all providers will be able to offer cover. Some may apply conditions or exclusions.
One thing to look out for is whether cover for debris removal, resiting and reconnection is included – this means that in the event your static caravan is written off that the insurer will pay to remove the damaged unit, put the new caravan onto the pitch and reconnect to services. Not all insurance policies will offer this as standard so make sure you have this cover.
Contents and Fire
Contents of the Caravan - you will need to ensure that the contents of the caravan are covered in the event of theft. Ask your insurer of their policy in regards to replacement of any damaged/stolen items e.g- Do they replace new for old. Also check the policy covers accidental damage to the contents of or interior of your caravan.
Fire - your insurance provider should cover you in the event of a fire, for the caravan itself and its contents.
Rental and Sub-letting
If you intend to sub-let your caravan to paying guests you will need to insure this is covered by your insurance company. Not all providers offer this cover as part of standard policy. Some insurance companies are reluctant to offer subletting insurance unless they have a prior relationship with the park owner.
You will also need to consider your liability to those using your caravan and ensure you have adequate cover.
Hopefully these points will help you make a more considered decision when taking static caravan insurance.
Next week we will take a look at maintaining your policy and making a claim.
For more information on static caravan purchases and ownership, contact the team at My Holiday Caravan on 0800 088 5083.
If you need help with any insurance matters or are looking to buy insurance for your static caravan, contact Leisuredays on 0800 14 88 414 or visit their website the leisuredays website